About this Directory
This directory provides access to information on French language services available in Peel, including detailed information about each service and contact information as some services may be dependent on the availability of staff. In addition, it provides links to resources outside Peel. Some of the organizations listed provide all services in French, and some may offer limited services through a French speaking staff member or French interpreter.
Use the quick lists to view by grouping: Full services in French; Some French language services available; French reference documents; Interpretive services only.
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To speak to an Information and Referral Specialist for further information about these services please call: 905-890-9432
From Caledon: 1-888-836-5550
TTY 905-890-8089
Service available:
Mon-Fri 9:00am-5:00pm
Every effort is made to ensure that the information in this database is accurate, up-to-date, and comprehensive. Child Development Resource Connection Peel cannot assume liability resulting from errors or omissions. Inclusion or omission of a program or service is not a comment on its quality.